Discrete mathematics ensley 2006
Discrete mathematics ensley 2006

employ formal proof techniques (such as direct proof, proof by contradiction, induction, and the pigeonhole principle) to construct sound arguments about properties of numbers, sets, functions, relations, and graphs.

discrete mathematics ensley 2006

  • illustrate by example the basic terminology of graph theory, as wells as properties and special cases (such as Eulerian graphs, spanning trees, isomorphism, and planarity).
  • calculate probabilities of independent and dependent events, in addition to expectations of random variables.
  • map real-world applications to appropriate counting formalisms, including permutations and combinations of sets, as well as exercise the rules of combinatorics (such as sums, products, and inclusion-exclusion).
  • assign practical examples to the appropriate set, function, or relation model, while employing the associated terminology and operations.
  • analyze problems to determine underlying recurrence relations, as well as solve such relations by rephrasing as closed formulas.
  • use symbolic logic to model real-world situations by converting informal language statements to propositional and predicate logic expressions, as well as apply formal methods to propositions and predicates (such as computing normal forms and calculating validity).
  • Upon completion of CS 2100, students are able to: T he coverage of topics by class meetings and other activities is given via the schedule in the Canvas Modules. Six modules are planned for study in CS 2100: logic, proofs, set theory, functions and relations, combinatorics and probability, graph theory. Students who do not meet these prerequisites are to be removed from CS 2100 in the first week of class. The prerequisites for CS 2100 are grades of C- or better in CS 1410 (or CS 1420) and MATH 1210 (or higher math). Students should spend a considerable amount of time reading, watching videos, studying, and solving problems outside of class. Students should be aware that not all of the topics they need to know are be covered during class meetings. Course InformationĬS 2100 provides an introduction to the discrete mathematics and structures that are at the foundation of computer science, as well as teaches logical thinking about discrete objects and abstract things. CommunicationĪll class announcements and student questions (public or private) take place on Piazza - sign up right away and set notifications appropriately. See below for benefits and conditions of exercising the growth-mindset option.
  • Growth-mindset option: tests 40%, final exam 40%, pre-class Canvas quizzes 10%, homework 10%.
  • Default option: tests 60%, final exam 20%, pre-class Canvas quizzes 10%, homework 10%.
  • Final course gradeĪ student's final CS 2100 grade is the better of two possible calculations: This accommodation should be used for students who must miss a test date due to quarantine, illness, travel, or other reason. *The lowest test score (i.e., Tests 1-5) is dropped for each student.
  • Final Exam (Graph theory and cumulative) is Friday, December 17 10:30a-12:30p.
  • Test 5 (Combinatorics and probability) is Tuesday, November 23 during the class meeting.
  • Test 4 (Functions and relations) is Tuesday, November 2 during the class meeting.
  • Test 3 (Set theory) is Thursday, October 7 during the class meeting.
  • discrete mathematics ensley 2006

    Test 2 (Proofs) is Thursday, September 23 during the class meeting.Test 1 (Logic) is Tuesday, September 7 during the class meeting.Required textbookĭiscrete Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games by Ensley and Crawley (2006, ISBN: 0471476021) Important datesĪll tests* and exams are paper-based and administered in person. Students who miss class are encouraged to thoroughly study the materials provided for pre-class prep (reading and videos), solve the practice problems (posted after each meeting/session) on their own or with classmates, and ask questions during instructor office hours or TA help hours. Recordingsĭue to the interactive nature of class meetings and discussion sections, they are not recorded.

    discrete mathematics ensley 2006

    Students should come to discussion prepared with questions about the recently-covered material and expect more problem-solving practice. Discussion sectionsįridays at various times and locations (see your class schedule), led by Teaching Assistants (TAs).


    See the advice on how to prepare for class meetings. Students should come to class prepared and expect to practice solving problems individually and in small groups. Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45a-12:05p in L104 WEB, led by Prof. Students can expect to be informed immediately and clearly of any changes. IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to COVID-19, a ll dates and policies contained in the CS 2100 syllabus and Canvas course are subject to change.

    Discrete mathematics ensley 2006